Authors: Celi C. , Calderón A. , Yepes C.

Note: Upcoming in the subsequent months.

In this study we present the collaborative effort between seven institutions to establish an earthquake loss assessment model at an urban scale for the Metropolitan District of Quito. Our goal is to provide decision makers with tools that can help identify the drivers of risk at a local level and support the municipal risk management office in efforts of mitigation, planning and emergency response. To achieve this, we have developed a new and open building-by-building inventory for the city that leverages on cadastral, treasury, and housing and census databases. This model has been complemented with a fragility and vulnerability catalogue for the building classes identified in the exposure, 13 local amplification functions to account for site-specific soil response in each seismic microzone, the most recent PSHA model for Ecuador, and 7 earthquake scenarios. In the results we have produced a wide range of deterministic and probabilistic risk metrics for the city, which are presented in the form of mitigation and emergency response profiles
